On August 19, 2024, the French Competition Authority (“FCA”) unconditionally cleared Bouygues Telecom’s acquisition of sole control of La Poste Telecom (together “the Parties”) through the acquisition of La Poste Group’s 51% stake. SFR owned the remaining 49% of La Poste Telecom and had a right of first refusal on La Poste Group’s shares that were for sale, as well as a right of approval over the buyer of those shares.[1] The acquisition was completed on November 15, 2024.[2]
Camilla Cozzani
Contact:Read more about Camilla Cozzani
Lufthansa/ITA: A New Era of Stringent Airline Merger Remedies
On July 3, 2024, the Commission conditionally approved Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s (“Lufthansa”) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance’s (“MEF”) joint control of ITA Airways (“ITA”). [1] The approval is contingent upon full compliance with the commitments.