Cleary Gottlieb

On January 11, 2023, the French Cour de cassation partly quashed a decision of the Paris Court of Appeals. The French Cour de cassation considered that the Paris Court of Appeals had rightly held that the provisions of the French Commercial Code on practices restricting competition apply in the context of subcontracting relations, but erred in its application of these provisions.[1]

In a ruling dated January 10, 2023, the French Cour de cassation quashed an order of the Paris Court of Appeals that had annulled the seizure of attorney-client communications during a consumer law dawn raid on the grounds that they were covered by “legal privilege,” thereby excluding the application of the concept under French law.[1] Although the case relates to alleged breaches of consumer law, its reasoning can be transposed to matters relating to competition law dawn raids.

On January 5, 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”)proposed a rule that would prohibit employers from entering into non-compete agreements (“non-competes”) with workers and require them to rescind all existing non-competes by written notice.

On January 9, 2023, the French Competition Authority (“FCA”) opened an in-depth (“Phase 2”) investigation into the proposed creation, by Aéroports de Paris (“ADP”) and British caterer Select Service Partner (“SSP”), of a full-function joint venture for the operation of catering services at Paris-Orly and Paris Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airports.[1]

On December 15, 2022, Advocate General Rantos delivered his opinions in the European Super League (“ESL”) and International Skating Union (“ISU”) cases. Both cases concern the application of EU competition rules to sport governing bodies. Advocate General Rantos’ opinions suggest that sport governing bodies may prohibit third-party events and impose sanctions on the relevant participants as long as the governing bodies’ decisions are inherent and proportionate to achieving a legitimate objective relating to the “specific nature of sport” and the “European Sports Model.”[1]