On 15 January 2021, the CAT published an order consenting to UKRS Training Limited (UKRS) withdrawing its action against NSAR Limited (NSAR) alleging a breach of the Chapter 2 prohibition. In 2016, UKRS brought a damages claim and applied for an interim injunction after its accreditation under the Rail Training Accreditation Scheme (RTAS) was suspended by NSAR. UKRS provided training to individuals working on Network Rail’s infrastructure, and was subject to quality assurance carried out by NSAR. NSAR suspended UKRS from providing this training because of alleged breaches of various rules relevant to the RTAS scheme. UKRS alleged that this constituted an abuse of NSAR’s dominance in relation to these accreditation services, on the basis of discrimination and a refusal to supply. The claim was stayed in 2017 pending the outcome of an appeal of a decision by Network Rail. RTAS is an accreditation required by any training provider that provides training to people wishing to work on Network Rail’s infrastructure.