On 21 July 2020, the CAT published a ruling refusing to grant Strident Publishing Limited (Strident) permission to appeal against a finding that Creative Scotland was not an undertaking for the purposes of the Competition Act 1998. Strident had claimed that Creative Scotland breached the Chapter 2 Prohibition, but the CAT ruled on 17 April 2020 that the provision of grants by Creative Scotland was not an economic activity carried on by an undertaking (see UK Competition Newsletter, April-May 2020). Strident applied for permission to appeal 11 weeks after the judgment was handed down, rather than the required three weeks. The CAT was not satisfied that there was any good reason why Strident should be allowed to proceed despite its lateness. In any event, the CAT did not consider that Strident’s application raised any point of law, and considered that Strident had no real prospect of success on appeal.